U speak Greek

Series Definition and its Linguistic Evolution

Definition: “Series” refers to a sequence or a set of events, objects, or people arranged or occurring in a specific order. It is often used to describe episodes of television or radio programs, books, or sequences in publications.

Etymology & Origin: The term “series” directly comes from Latin “series,” meaning a row, chain, or succession. Although the Latin term may have deeper roots in Proto-Indo-European languages and possibly links to similar Greek concepts (Greek “seirá,” σειρά, meaning a line or a row), the immediate derivation relevant to English usage is from Latin. The Latin “series” then influenced the French “série,” from which English also borrows the concept and form.


  • The documentary series on wildlife conservation was critically acclaimed for its depth and presentation.
  • A series of lectures was scheduled to cover the entire syllabus over the semester.

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