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Characteristic Definition & Etymology: Identifying Distinctive Traits


A characteristic is a distinctive trait, quality, or attribute that helps to identify, describe, or differentiate an individual, group, or thing. It can refer to inherent features that are unique or particular to a subject, contributing to its identity or essence. In various contexts, characteristics are used to categorize, analyse, and understand complex entities by their defining properties.

Etymology & Origin:

The word “characteristic” comes from the Greek “charaktēristikós,” meaning “pertaining to a character,” which is derived from “charaktēr,” referring to a stamped mark or distinctive quality. The term evolved through Latin and French influences before entering English, encapsulating the idea of defining features or qualities that mark something as distinct.


  1. One of the key characteristics of mammals is their ability to regulate body temperature.
  2. In literature, a character’s distinctive characteristics, such as bravery or wisdom, often contribute to their role in the story.
  3. The characteristic green colour of copper patina is due to chemical reactions with the elements over time.


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