The ancient Greek word for dog is Κύνος (Cynos). Socrates taught a lot of things. But in his try to find what virtue is he criticized people that hunt riches . I am not sure that Diogenis the Cynical was so much affected from Socrates but Antisthenes that was the founder of the school of Cynics. Diogenis the most popular Cynical philosopher. But why they are called Cynical
If someone reads the life of Diogenis he see that he likes to live like a dog. Nothing looks to worry him and he cares for little things in life. So philosopher that didn’t care for riches, that they prefered to live on the road, to masturbate or have sex in public were called Cynics. So the word Cynical originates from Greek word for dog.
But why Cynic philosophers came the word Cynical that now means anyone that distrust human society and people that are motivated purely by self-interest?
Actually this came later from philosophers that started to see people without any divinity, as really are smart animals. So because of this and the word cynical.