Drama is a Greek word (δράμα) which has the same meaning in Greek as in English. I copy the definition from dictionary.com
a composition in prose or verse presenting in dialogue or pantomime a story involving conflict or contrast of character, especially one intended to be acted on the stage; a play.
drama by dictionary.com
the branch of literature having such compositions as its subject; dramatic art or representation.
the art dealing with the writing and production of plays.
any situation or series of events having vivid, emotional, conflicting, or striking interest or results:
the drama of a murder trial.
the quality of being dramatic.
Origin of the word and historical use of the word
Drama was in Ancient Greece a kind of poetry which was usually performed – presented in theatres in big ceremonies.
They were 3 kinds of Ancient Drama (dramatic poetry):
The first two kind were works that usually involved sad stories that some of them could make you laugh (for this reason comedy) but were still sad stories. For this reason in Greek the word comedy had a meaning closer to the word tragicomedy. Although in Modern Greek we use the word tragicomedy too and word comedy has the same meaning as in English. Satire was closer to parody and funny stories.
Etymology of word Drama
In comparison with previous kinds of poetry (Epic poetry) and (Lyric Poetry) that stories were told in more fantastical way in Drama stories could happen, there was acting. So the word originates from Greek verb δράω/δρω (drao/dro) which means to act. So drama could be translated as acting.