U speak Greek

Polyphony: Exploring its Definition and Greek Origins in Music

Definition: Polyphony in music refers to the style or technique of simultaneously combining several independent melodic lines, each maintaining its individual character and harmonizing with the others. It is a key element in Western classical music.

Etymology and Origin: The term “polyphony” comes from the Greek words “πολύς” (polys), meaning “many,” and “φωνή” (phōnē), meaning “voice” or “sound.” This word was adopted into English in the early 16th century to describe a musical texture consisting of multiple, independent melodic voices.


  1. With regard to the creative commons license I should like to give proper attribution and credit for the above image in an academic context.
    Please can you confirm if you are the owner/creator of this image or if I should be referencing a more original source?
    Many Thanks

    1. I am not sure what the rules are for AI prompt creating. I created using Dall-e . So, I was the creator and I wasn’t. I have to update my knowledge on copyright on this kind of staff.

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