Monologue Definition: The Art of Solo Speech in Drama and Literature
Explore the concept of the monologue, from its Greek roots to its use as a powerful narrative tool in drama and literature, capturing solo expression and introspection.
But you don't know it
The word of Theatre originates from Greek word Θέατρο (theatron – with the same meaning). The Greek word Θέατρω originates from verb Θέωμαι (theomai – to view).
The first plays were played in Ancient Greece so it is normal that many languages use the Greek word for the Theatre.
Explore the concept of the monologue, from its Greek roots to its use as a powerful narrative tool in drama and literature, capturing solo expression and introspection.
Discover ‘tragicomedy’, a genre blending tragedy’s depth with comedy’s levity, from Ancient Greece to Renaissance drama
Explore ‘amphitheatre’, from Greek ‘amphi’ (around) and ‘theatron’ (theatre), arenas of ancient spectacles.
Chorus, from Greek ‘khoros’ (group of dancers or singers), refers to a collective singing group or a song’s repetitive section
Hubris, from Greek ‘ὕβρις’ (hybris), signifies extreme arrogance, often leading to downfall due to overconfidence.
The term “satire” traces its roots to Ancient Greece and the Greek word “σάτυρος” (satyros), referring to mischievous creatures known for their humor in Greek plays. Evolving in Rome, satire became a tool for societal critique. The contemporary concept of satire, encompassing various media forms, exposes societal follies through humor and irony, reflecting its enduring influence since ancient times.
Ancient Greek comedy focused on humour and mocked social issues. However, it also included serious and tragic elements, blurring the line between comedy and tragedy.
Discover the origins of ‘tragedy’ from Ancient Greek ‘τραγῳδία’ – a dramatic form featuring downfall of a hero, now a term for any sad event.
The word “parodía” comes from the Greek prefix “par-” (meaning “beside” or “alongside”) and “odía” (meaning “song” or “ode”). It was originally used to describe a form of ancient Greek comedy in which poets would mock or ridicule other poets or works of literature through satirical imitation.
In comparison with previous kinds of poetry (Epic poetry) and (Lyric Poetry) that stories were told in more fantastical way in Drama storiew could happen, there was acting. So the word originates from Greek verb δράω/δρω (drao/dro) which means to act. So drama could be translated as acting.