every day language

Definition of word philoxenia : An act of hospitableness and welcome. Collins dictionary Word originates from greek word Φιλοξενία (philoxenIa) that is composed by the 2 Greek words Φίλος (philos means friend) and Ξένος (xenos* pronounced ksenos, that means alien, outsider, stranger). In ancient Greece if you had guests from[…]

Origin and meaning of word Eccentric
The word Eccentric derives from Greek word Έκκεντρος (Έkentros) that is a word used in geometry.Eccentricity in geometry is the measure of how much a conic section deviates from being circular.The Έkentros meaning is something that “escapes” from center ((Εκ – κέντρος, εκ του κέντρου). Eccentric so means someone that[…]