Autonomy: From Greek Self-Law ‘Autonomia’ to Modern Independence
Autonomy, originating from Greek ‘autos’ (self) and ‘nomos’ (law), signifies self-governance and independent decision-making.
But you don't know it
Autonomy, originating from Greek ‘autos’ (self) and ‘nomos’ (law), signifies self-governance and independent decision-making.
Cynophobia, combining Greek ‘kynos’ (dog) and ‘phobos’ (fear), denotes an irrational and excessive fear of dogs.
Discover the origin of ‘melancholic’ from ancient Greek medicine and its definition as a deep and prolonged sadness, often associated with introspection and nostalgia.
Sympathy is the Greek word συμπάθεια. (sumpathia)Definition of word sympathy in English is “feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune.” & “understanding between people; common feeling.”The 2 meanings are the same in Greek for this reason the word sympathy could be used for the new word “empathy” that[…]
g of empathy is one of the original meanings of word sympathy in Greek. I understand that the word sympathy was confusing but whoever chose the word empathy didn’t know Greek because the word has the opposite meaning of empathy. Means someone that I really dislike passionately.