U speak Greek


Academy of Athens, Athens, Greece https://www.flickr.com/photos/telemax/5895209564

Philosophy originates from Greek word Φιλοσοφία (Philosophia). The Greek word etymology is philos (Φίλος means friend) + sophia(Σοφία – means wisdom). So the friend of wisdom is a philosopher. So everybody who seeks wisdom is a philosopher.

From Stoic Ideal to Modern Indifference: The Evolution of Apathy

“Apathy” derives from the Greek word “ἀπάθεια” (apatheia), which is formed by combining the prefix “ἀ-” (a-) meaning “without” and “πάθος” (pathos) meaning “feeling” or “suffering.”

In Greek, “ἀπάθεια” (apatheia) literally translates to “without feeling” or “without suffering.”

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