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Meaning of Technology: Technology refers to the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. It encompasses the techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology can also refer to the machinery and equipment developed through the application of scientific knowledge.

Etymology and Origin: The word “technology” comes from two Greek words: “τέχνη” (technē), meaning “art,” “skill,” or “craft,” and “λογία” (logia), meaning “study of” or “science.”

  • Greek Roots: “Technē” in ancient Greek referred to the application of knowledge for practical purposes and encompassed various arts and crafts. “Logia,” a common suffix in Greek, was used to denote areas of study or interest.
  • Development of the Term: The combination of these two elements, “technē” and “logia,” originally referred to the study or science of the arts or the application of skills. It evolved over time to its modern meaning, which emphasizes the practical application of scientific knowledge and the resultant tools and machinery.
  • Adoption into English: The term “technology” in its modern sense started to be used in the early 20th century, reflecting the rise of technical education and the growing importance of machinery and equipment in industrial processes.

Thus, “technology” has its roots in Greek words that collectively implied the study or science of practical arts and skills. Over time, it has come to represent the broader application of scientific knowledge in various fields, particularly in industry and innovation.


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