U speak Greek

Apology Definition: Understanding Expressions of Regret and Defence

Definition: An apology is an expression of regret or sorrow for having wronged someone, often accompanied by an acknowledgment of responsibility and an expression of remorse. It can also refer to a formal, written defence or justification of a belief, theory, or policy, particularly in a philosophical or religious context.

Etymology and Origin: The word ‘apology’ comes from the Greek ‘apologia’, which means ‘a speaking in defence’. It is composed of ‘apo-‘, meaning ‘off’ or ‘away’, and ‘-logia’, meaning ‘speaking’. In ancient Greek culture, an apology was a formal defence against an accusation. This usage is famously exemplified in Plato’s ‘Apology’, which presents the defence speech of Socrates. Over time, the meaning shifted in English to its current sense of expressing regret for a wrongdoing.

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