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Ectoplasm Definition: Unveiling the Mystical Substance


Ectoplasm is a term used in spiritualism to describe a substance or spiritual energy exteriorised by a medium during a séance. It is purported to be a physical manifestation of the materialisation of spirits.

Etymology & Origin:

The word “ectoplasm” originates from the 19th century, combining the Greek “ekto-” meaning “outside” and “plasma,” meaning “something formed or moulded.” The term was first used in the context of spiritualism to denote a substance said to emanate from the body of a medium during spiritualistic activities.


  • Descriptions of ectoplasm often include it appearing as a gauzy, white material, sometimes said to form the shapes of spirits.
  • Famous photographs from the early 20th century claim to show ectoplasm during séances, though many were later exposed as hoaxes.

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