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Panacea: The All-Curing Remedy – Its Definition, Mythological Roots, and Figurative Use

Definition of Panacea: A panacea is a solution or remedy that is believed to cure all diseases or difficulties. It is commonly used in a figurative sense to describe any remedy that is claimed to completely solve a complex problem or cure an intractable condition. The term suggests an overly optimistic and simplistic solution to a problem that is likely multifaceted.

Etymology and Origin: The word ‘panacea’ originates from Greek mythology. It is derived from the name of the goddess Panacea, who was believed to have a potion that could cure all diseases. The name comes from the Greek words ‘pan’, meaning ‘all’, and ‘akos’, meaning ‘cure’. Introduced into English in the 16th century, the term has maintained its meaning as a universal remedy or cure-all.

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