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Period Definition & Etymology: Exploring Temporal Segments


A period refers to a length of time in history or a person’s life, often marked by specific events or characteristics. In grammar, it denotes the punctuation mark (.) used to indicate the end of a sentence or statement. Additionally, in the sciences, it can describe intervals or cycles, such as the periodic table in chemistry, reflecting recurring traits or elements.

Etymology & Origin:

The term “period” originates from the Latin “periodus,” meaning “a complete sentence,” which itself comes from the Greek “periodos” meaning “circle, circuit, round, course.” The Greek term combines “peri” (around) and “hodos” (way, path), reflecting the concept of a cycle or a roundabout path. Over time, its meaning expanded to include various notions of time and completion in multiple contexts.


  1. The Victorian period in British history is known for its distinctive architectural, literary, and cultural developments.
  2. A scientific theory may be widely accepted for a period until new evidence or research challenges its premises.
  3. In physics, the period of a pendulum refers to the time it takes to complete one full swing back and forth.

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