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Technique Definition & Etymology: Mastering Skills and Methods


Technique refers to a skilled way of doing something, encompassing the methods, skills, or procedures used in accomplishing tasks or artistic performances. It represents the specific way in which activities are carried out to achieve a desired result, often implying a level of proficiency or expertise.

Etymology & Origin:

The word “technique” originates from the French “technique,” which in turn derives from the Greek “technikos,” meaning “of art, skilled in art,” from “techne,” meaning “art, skill, craft in work.” The term entered the English language in the early 19th century, reflecting the adaptation of skills and methods across various fields of study and practice.


  1. The pianist’s technique was admired for its precision and emotion, captivating the audience with each performance.
  2. In photography, mastering the technique of lighting is crucial for capturing the essence of the subject.
  3. The chef’s technique in knife skills demonstrated not only efficiency but also an artistic flair in food preparation.

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