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Understanding Tactics: Definition, Etymology, and Application in Strategy

Definition of Tactics: Tactics refer to the specific actions or strategies carefully planned to achieve a particular short-term end. In a military context, tactics are the art of organizing and employing fighting forces on or near the battlefield. Outside of the military, the term is used more broadly to describe any skilful method or approach to achieve a specific goal, especially in situations like business, sports, or politics.

Etymology and Origin: The word ‘tactics’ comes from the Greek ‘taktikos’, meaning ‘of or pertaining to arrangement or order’. It’s derived from ‘taktos’, which means ‘ordered’ or ‘arranged’, and ultimately from ‘tassein’, meaning ‘to arrange’ or ‘to order’. The term began to be used in the English language in the 17th century, initially in a military context but later expanded to a wider array of strategic planning and manoeuvring.

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