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Article Definition: From Written Pieces to Grammar Essentials


An article refers to a piece of writing included with others in a newspaper, magazine, or other publication. It can also denote a particular item or object, especially one of a specified type. In grammar, an article is a word used to modify a noun, which is often used to indicate the definiteness of the noun, such as “the” (definite article) or “a” and “an” (indefinite articles).

Etymology and Origin

The term article ultimately traces back to the Greek word άρθρο (árthro), meaning “joint” or “segment.” This reflects the concept of an article as a discrete component of a larger structure, whether it be a piece of writing within a publication or a grammatical tool that connects nouns to the wider context of a sentence. The Latin articulus, a direct derivation from Greek, serves as the intermediary in the word’s journey into English, carrying with it the notion of division and connection — a small but essential part of a whole. This dual nature of articles, as both separators and connectors, mirrors the functional and structural versatility of joints in the body, reinforcing the linguistic metaphor.

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