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Platonic Definition, Etymology, and Philosophical Use

Definition: Platonic refers to a relationship or emotion that is purely spiritual or friendly, devoid of any sexual element. It also pertains to ideas that are idealistic and theoretical, inspired by the philosophy of Plato, whose teachings emphasized the reality of ideal forms.

Etymology & Origin: The term ‘platonic’ is derived from Plato, the renowned Greek philosopher, whose actual name was Aristocles. He was nicknamed ‘Plato’ due to his broad shoulders—the word ‘platos’ in Greek means ‘broad.’ This term originally related to his philosophical doctrines, but has come to describe non-sexual, spiritual relationships and ideals in modern contexts.


  • Their relationship is strictly platonic; they share a deep bond without romantic involvement.
  • He pursued a platonic concept of beauty, seeking forms that transcended the physical and the temporary.

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