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Hypothesis Definition & Exploration: The Foundation of Scientific Inquiry


A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon, or a speculative guess that can be tested through further investigation and experimentation. In the scientific method, a hypothesis serves as a starting point for research, offering a statement that can be either supported or refuted by empirical evidence. It is formulated based on observations and existing knowledge, and it aims to answer a specific question or explain a particular observation.

Etymology & Origin:

The term “hypothesis” comes from the Greek word “hupothesis,” meaning “foundation” or “basis,” derived from “hypo-” (under) and “thesis” (a placing, proposition). It reflects the idea of a hypothesis being an underlying assumption that provides a foundation for further scientific inquiry and exploration.


  1. In biology, a hypothesis might propose a relationship between a specific environmental condition and the behavior of an organism.
  2. In physics, a hypothesis could suggest a potential outcome of an experiment based on a theory, such as predicting the path of a particle in a collider.
  3. In psychology, researchers might hypothesize that a particular intervention will have an effect on the mood or behavior of participants, which can then be tested in a controlled setting.

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