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Gastric Definition & Etymology: Exploring Stomach-Related Terms


Gastric relates to the stomach, a crucial organ in the digestive system. It encompasses anything pertaining to the stomach’s function, disorders, anatomy, or related medical conditions. Gastric terms are widely used in medicine to describe symptoms, diseases, and treatments involving the stomach, such as gastric ulcers, gastric acid, and gastric bypass surgery.

Etymology & Origin:

The word “gastric” derives from the Greek “gastēr,” meaning “stomach.” The suffix “-ic” is used in English to form adjectives indicating a relationship to something, in this case, the stomach. The term reflects a direct connection to the organ responsible for the initial digestion of food. “Gastric” has been part of the medical vocabulary since the early 19th century, emphasizing its role in describing stomach-related phenomena.


  1. Gastric acid plays a vital role in breaking down food and killing harmful bacteria ingested with food.
  2. Gastric cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the stomach lining and can spread to other parts of the body.
  3. A gastric balloon is a temporary weight loss device that is placed in the stomach to create a feeling of fullness.

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