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Phenology Definition & Etymology: The Study of Seasonal Cycles


Phenology is the scientific study of periodic biological phenomena, such as flowering, breeding, and migration, in relation to seasonal and climatic changes. It focuses on the timing of natural events and their interaction with the environment.

Etymology & Origin:

The word “phenology” comes from the Greek “phaino,” meaning “to show, to appear,” and “-logy,” a suffix denoting “the study of.” It reflects the discipline’s focus on the observable aspects of nature’s cycles and how they manifest over time.


  1. Observing the first blooming of a particular flower species each year is a classic activity in phenology.
  2. Phenology studies have shown that climate change is shifting the timing of migratory patterns for many bird species.
  3. Gardeners and farmers often use phenological cues, like the blossoming of specific plants, to guide planting and harvesting times.

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