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Cosmogony: Unravelling Its Definition, Ancient Roots, and Universal Theories

Definition of Cosmogony: Cosmogony refers to a theory or model concerning the origin and evolution of the universe. It encompasses various scientific, mythological, and religious perspectives that attempt to explain how the universe began and how it has evolved over time. Cosmogony often involves studying the formation of celestial bodies and the nature of the universe at its earliest stages.

Etymology and Origin: The word ‘cosmogony’ comes from the Greek ‘kosmogonia’, where ‘kosmos’ means ‘world’ or ‘universe’, and ‘gonia’ means ‘birth’ or ‘origin’. Historically, cosmogonies have been integral to many cultures, serving as foundational elements in their respective mythologies and religious traditions. The term has been adopted in modern science to describe theories relating to the universe’s formation, such as the Big Bang theory.

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