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Ballistic Definition: The Dynamics of Projectiles in Motion


Ballistic refers to the science and study of the motion of projectiles, such as bullets, rockets, and missiles, and their behaviour under the forces of propulsion and gravity. The term also broadly applies to anything related to or involving projectiles. In a more general sense, “going ballistic” is an idiomatic expression meaning to become very angry or lose control emotionally.

Etymology and Origin

The word ballistic comes from the Greek ballein, meaning “to throw”, with the suffix -istic added to form an adjective relating to the action of throwing. The science of ballistics, therefore, originally concerned itself with the dynamics of thrown objects, including stones and spears, before evolving to include the study of the behaviour of projectiles fired from weapons. The term entered the English language in the early 20th century, particularly with the advancement of military technology.

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