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Hydroelectric Power: Harnessing Water for Clean Energy – Definition and History

Definition of Hydroelectric: Hydroelectric refers to the generation of electricity using the energy of flowing water. This is typically achieved through hydroelectric power plants where water flow from rivers, dams, or streams is used to spin turbines connected to generators. It’s a renewable energy source and is considered environmentally friendly because it generates electricity without emitting greenhouse gases or pollutants.

Etymology and Origin: The term ‘hydroelectric’ combines ‘hydro-‘, from the Greek word ‘hydor’ meaning ‘water’, and ‘electric’, from ‘elektron’, also Greek, meaning ‘amber’ (an early source of electric charge). The concept of using water power for various mechanical tasks dates back to ancient times, but the application specifically for electricity generation became prominent in the late 19th to early 20th centuries with the development of the modern hydroelectric power plant.

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