U speak Greek

System: Integrating Parts into Complex Wholes Across Disciplines

Definition of System: A system is a set of interconnected or interrelated elements that function as a complex whole. In various contexts, it refers to an organized, purposeful structure that consists of interrelated and interdependent elements. These elements continually influence one another to maintain their activity and the existence of the system. Systems can be found in numerous fields, including biology (biological systems), technology (computer systems), sociology (social systems), and more.

Etymology and Origin: The word ‘system’ originates from the Late Latin ‘systema’, which comes from the Greek ‘sustēma’, meaning ‘a whole compounded of parts’. The Greek term is derived from ‘syn-‘ meaning ‘together’ and ‘histanai’ meaning ‘set up, place’. The concept of systems has been a part of philosophical and scientific discourse since ancient times, evolving significantly to encompass a wide range of theoretical and practical applications in various disciplines.


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