U speak Greek



Agnostic – a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God. Agnostic was first used by Thomas Henry Huxley. Greek word “a” – non / without and greek word for knowledge γνώση (gnosi).
The ancient Greek word was Agnosia means the lack of knowledge but in modern Greek the Agnostic/ Agnosticism is used.

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Democracy from greek word δημοκρατία (demokratia from greek word démos people and krάtos – rule, govern). So people take part on the decisions, take governors positions and are responsible to follow the orders of the people. In ancient Athens, the first democracy, if a man fall to respond to his[…]

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Origin and meaning of word Eccentric

The word Eccentric derives from Greek word Έκκεντρος (Έkentros) that is a word used in geometry.Eccentricity in geometry is the measure of how much a conic section deviates from being circular.The Έkentros meaning is something that “escapes” from center ((Εκ – κέντρος, εκ του κέντρου). Eccentric so means someone that[…]

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The use of word pseudocode in computer science. Let’s check first what it means: In computer science, pseudocode is a plain language description of the steps in an algorithm or another system. Pseudocode often uses structural conventions of a normal programming language, but is intended for human reading rather than[…]

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