U speak Greek


Music derives from Greek word Μουσική (Musiki) that is very close related from the word Μούσα (Moùsa – Muse).

Quatre Muses: Euterpe, Polihímnia, Clio, Melpòmene, Museu de Cirene“Quatre Muses: Euterpe, Polihímnia, Clio, Melpòmene, Museu de Cirene” by Sebastià Giralt is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Muses were the inspirational godesseses for the arts.

They were 9 Muses

  1. Calliope
    Calliope means Good Looking (Calli from Greek word Kalos that means good and ope that means looks. For this reason and optics. She was protector and insipator of Epic poetry.
  2. Clio
    Protector and inspirator of history. Clio from verb kléo (κλέω) that means narrate / recount. From Clio originates the Greek word for key (klidi – κλειδί) that was the key to understand future.
  3. Euterpe
    Muse of music. Her name means Good (ευ) pleasure (Τέρψη Terpe).
  4. Thalia
    Muse of comedy, geometry, architecture and agriculture. Her name originates from ancient Greek verb θαλλείν (thalin) that means to flourish. This verb in modern Greek is used only for the word αειθαλές (aethalés) which means evergreen.
  5. Melpomene
    Muse of Greek Mythology and the first muse of Music. Her name originates from verb mélpo (μέλπω) means sing hymns.
  6. Terpsichore
    Muse of dance and chorus. Actually her name combines pleasure (Τέρψη)  with greek word for dance is χορός (chorós). There is a English word for someone relating to dance with here name Terpsichorean
  7. Erato
    Muse of Lyric poetry. She invented love poems and she was protector of marriage & love and if her name reminds a little bit erotic is not coincidence. Her name has the same origins with word eros (έρως).
  8. Urania
    Muse of Astronomy. Uranós (ουρανός) is the Greek name for word sky. For this reason and planet Uranus.
  9. Polyhymnia
    Muse of Sacred poetry. Greek word for psalt is úmnos (ύμνος – hymn). Poly means many so her name is the many humns to the gods.