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Definition: Politics refers to the activities, actions, and policies used to gain and hold power in a government or to influence the government. It encompasses the set of activities associated with making decisions in groups or other forms of power relations among individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status.

Etymology and Origin: The word ‘politics’ comes from the Greek word “πολιτικά” (politika), meaning “affairs of the cities.” It is derived from “πόλις” (polis), meaning ‘city’ or ‘city-state,’ and the suffix “-τικά” (-tika), which relates to ‘matters’ or ‘affairs’. The term first appeared in the title of Aristotle’s book “Politika,” where he discusses the affairs of the city-state.

Etymology and Origin of the word Demagogue

The word “demagogue” comes from the Greek words “demos” (people) and “agogos” (leading or driving). It originally referred to a leader who was skilled in the art of oratory and who used their rhetorical abilities to sway the opinions and emotions of the people. The term was first used in ancient Greece and Rome, where democracy was a common form of government and public speaking was highly valued.

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Democracy from greek word δημοκρατία (demokratia from greek word démos people and krάtos – rule, govern). So people take part on the decisions, take governors positions and are responsible to follow the orders of the people. In ancient Athens, the first democracy, if a man fall to respond to his[…]

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