Archaeology. The science of studying ancient civilizations. But what is the etymology of this word?
But you don't know it
Philosophy originates from Greek word Φιλοσοφία (Philosophia). The Greek word etymology is philos (Φίλος means friend) + sophia(Σοφία – means wisdom). So the friend of wisdom is a philosopher. So everybody who seeks wisdom is a philosopher.
Archaeology. The science of studying ancient civilizations. But what is the etymology of this word?
Agnostic – a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God. Agnostic was first used by Thomas Henry Huxley. Greek word “a” – non / without and greek word for knowledge γνώση (gnosi).
The ancient Greek word was Agnosia means the lack of knowledge but in modern Greek the Agnostic/ Agnosticism is used.
Democracy from greek word δημοκρατία (demokratia from greek word démos people and krάtos – rule, govern). So people take part on the decisions, take governors positions and are responsible to follow the orders of the people. In ancient Athens, the first democracy, if a man fall to respond to his[…]
Discover the meaning of ‘apocrypha,’ its historical origins, and examples of how it’s used in religious and literary contexts.