Autocrat Definition & Insights: Exploring Absolute Power
Delve into the concept of an autocrat, a ruler with absolute power, and understand the dynamics of autocratic leadership.
But you don't know it
Delve into the concept of an autocrat, a ruler with absolute power, and understand the dynamics of autocratic leadership.
Discover the essence of aristocracy, from its noble origins to the role it plays in shaping societies throughout history.
Explore isocracy’s concept of ‘equal rule’ from Greek ‘isos’ and ‘kratos,’ a vision of political power equality
Democracy from greek word δημοκρατία (demokratia from greek word démos people and krάtos – rule, govern). So people take part on the decisions, take governors positions and are responsible to follow the orders of the people. In ancient Athens, the first democracy, if a man fall to respond to his[…]