U speak Greek


In multitasking computer operating systems, a daemon is a computer program that runs as a background process, rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user.

source:Daemon (computing)

In Ancient Greek, the word Δαίμων (daemon or demon in later English) hasn’t a negative issue. It meant something divine. Usually meant, deities who give people hints or help.The works of Plato usually, say that Socrates has brought new daemons. This meant that were new divine ideas. Actually, this was also the reason that Socrates was sentenced to death as they believed that he brought new divinities over old ones.
So because these daemons help people without asking and waiting for offers from people programmers chose to give this name from Ancient Greek meaning. In Greek, the word demon took an evil meaning close to the word devil when Christianity became the main dogma of the Roman Empire (Byzantine empire).

Etymology of word Daemon

Δαίμων (daemon) originates from verb δαίομαι (deome), it’s meaning is deal / seperate. These deities who were dealing destinies named daemons

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