Etymology, Origin and meaning of word Logic
Discover the Greek origin of ‘logic’ meaning ‘reason’ or ‘discourse’ and its use in various fields such as math, computer science, and philosophy.
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Philosophy originates from Greek word Φιλοσοφία (Philosophia). The Greek word etymology is philos (Φίλος means friend) + sophia(Σοφία – means wisdom). So the friend of wisdom is a philosopher. So everybody who seeks wisdom is a philosopher.
Discover the Greek origin of ‘logic’ meaning ‘reason’ or ‘discourse’ and its use in various fields such as math, computer science, and philosophy.
The word “ideology” comes from French “idéologie,” coined by Antoine Destutt de Tracy in 18th century. Refers to a set of beliefs or principles that form the basis of political, economic, or social system. Can be found in many fields and may be associated with inflexibility or used neutrally.
Discover the Greek origin of ‘dogma’ meaning ‘belief’ and its use as a set of incontrovertibly true principles within a system or community.
The word “demagogue” comes from the Greek words “demos” (people) and “agogos” (leading or driving). It originally referred to a leader who was skilled in the art of oratory and who used their rhetorical abilities to sway the opinions and emotions of the people. The term was first used in ancient Greece and Rome, where democracy was a common form of government and public speaking was highly valued.
The word “economy” comes from the Greek word “oikonomia,” which means “the management of a household or the administration of resources.” The term was first used in ancient Greece to describe the management of household resources, such as food, clothing, and shelter. Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to encompass the broader concept of economic activity, including the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services.
Explore the history and meaning of the Greek word ‘agora’, its evolution from Ancient Greek to Modern Greek and its significance in shaping political, social and economic activity. Learn about the word’s relation to democracy and freedom
The word “analogy” comes from the Greek word “analogia,” which means “proportion.” It is derived from the Greek word “analogos,” which means “proportional,” and the suffix “-ia,” which indicates a state or condition.
Sympathy is the Greek word συμπάθεια. (sumpathia)Definition of word sympathy in English is “feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune.” & “understanding between people; common feeling.”The 2 meanings are the same in Greek for this reason the word sympathy could be used for the new word “empathy” that[…]
Rhetoric is a Greek word (Ρητορική – rhitorike). Originates from Greek word Ρήτωρ – Rhetor (Ρήτορας in Modern Greek) which is someone that speaks in public.
g of empathy is one of the original meanings of word sympathy in Greek. I understand that the word sympathy was confusing but whoever chose the word empathy didn’t know Greek because the word has the opposite meaning of empathy. Means someone that I really dislike passionately.